Philexport davao membership reached 223 in 2023 with 33 companies registered as new members. Existing 109 members have registered for membership renewal during the same period.
Registered company members in the region are engaged in agri-business, manufacturing and processing of foods, resource-based and industrial commodities, aqua-marine, mineral and non-metallic product processing and allied industries, among others.
To increase the number of members in the organization, continuous efforts are being done to encourage new players in the export business to be affiliated with the chapter.
This is being acted upon through quality services extended to members and collaboration with government in promoting the growth of export and implementation of export development projects/activities.
Membership development activities are undertaken such as exporters forum and other similar events to enhance the understanding among export players on the requirements and procedure of export transactions. Export seminars also provide members the opportunity to gain more knowledge on government policy support and programs intended to improve export competitiveness.
The regional exporters’ forum held in march 2023 was aimed to apprise exporters on the importance of trade agreements and regional cooperation with trading countries including the benefits exporters can gain out of these government initiatives. Free trade agreements (FTAs) and regional competitiveness enhancement program (RCEP) were the focus subjects of the said event.
The Round Table Discussion (RTD) on government fiscal policy reforms held November 2023 was aimed at enriching the knowledge and understanding among export actors on the Corporate Recovery and Tax Incentives for Enterprise Act (CREATE ACT) and value-added tax.
Under create law as well as the fiscal policy guidelines and government rules that govern export transactions.
Sectoral consultations are regular pursuits to allow members to ventilate export issues and seek recommendations to address the challenges.