Registered company members in the region are engaged in agri-business, manufacturing and processing of foods, resource-based and industrial commodities, aqua-marine, mineral and non-metallic product processing and allied industries, among others.
In 2023 a total of 253 exporters were duly registered for the client profile registration system (cprs). The cprs registration is a requirement for the registration of exporters to proceed with the e transactions with international buyers in accordance with government regulations.
Advisory services are extended to exporters in terms of information on buyers’ standards and market regulations, importing countries’ product development requirements, customs formalities, logistics conditions and export processes.
Philexport Davao extends advocacy support on issues raised related to export advancement. Networking with development institutions and industry partners is employed to warrant an-all-inclusive intervention to address the export concerns.
Members are regularly provided with information materials that include export news and trends. The mode of information exchange allows members to take a glimpse of the domestic and international export happenings, new and improved product features
Philexport davao continuously embarks on productive ventures to uphold its commitment to provide member companies with opportunities to expand business and grow in specific fields of endeavor.
Import accreditation assistance is extended to ccbw no. 119 member companies to warrant speedy import documentation requirements. A package of support services is provided to ease the burden of dealing with import regulatory requirements.
Member companies are provided with a package of warehousing services that include product storage in the warehouse for free and import and export liquidation document processing while facilitating the warehousing bonds premium.

About Philexport
Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor.

Exporter Assistance
Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor.

Buyer Assistance
Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor.